Bonus Episode Mastermind Deep Dive: Unlocking the 90-Day Plan with Magan Outlaw

Sep 30, 2024

In this episode of the Blogging Breakthroughs podcast, I talk with Magan Outlaw about:

  • 90-Day Planning: A structured 90-day plan helps focus on short-term achievable goals and maintain direction, preventing distractions from new, shiny ideas.
  • Intentional Work Sessions: Dedicated business retreats or focused work sessions enhance productivity by setting intentional time to work on specific aspects of the business.
  • Mindset Tools: Implementing cognitive behavioral therapy-based models and self-coaching techniques can significantly improve personal and professional outcomes.
  • Progress Over Perfection: Setting and aiming for ambitious goals, even if they're not immediately reachable, drives continuous improvement and growth over time.
  • Community Support: Being part of a supportive community provides motivation, accountability, and a sense of shared experience, which helps to normalize the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Planning is crucial to success, especially for entrepreneurs. On this recent podcast episode, Magan Outlaw and I, your host Faith Mariah talk about the valuable insights on utilizing a 90-day planning process to achieve business goals. Magan shares her journey from a lifestyle blogger to a money mentor and how the 90-day plan has revolutionized her approach to business, making her more focused and intentional.

From Lifestyle Blogger to Money Mentor

Magan Outlaw began her entrepreneurial journey as a lifestyle blogger, writing for fun and sharing her experiences with weight loss, managing finances, and parenting twins. However, her blogging efforts didn't generate significant revenue. Recognizing a chance to pivot after discovering Faith Mariah, Magan transitioned to becoming a money mentor. Her blog, The Real Raw Outlaw, which was initially a collection of lifestyle pieces, evolved into a business focused on helping individuals navigate the early stages of budgeting and money management.

The Power of 90-Day Planning

The 90-day planning process, as detailed by Magan, provides a structured yet flexible way to approach business goals. Megan's method involves breaking down her big dreams into manageable monthly tasks and setting overarching goals for each quarter. This approach not only caters to her ADHD brain by focusing her energy but also helps subdue the urge to chase every shiny new idea.

For Magan, pen and paper are her tools of choice. She starts with a notebook, jotting down monthly objectives and overarching goals for the 90 days. By breaking these down into smaller, actionable steps and revisiting them regularly, she ensures she stays on track. When distractions arise, she refocuses by consulting her plan, continually redirecting her efforts towards her goals.

Urgency and Intentional Execution

Faith Mariah emphasizes the 90-day plan's ability to cultivate a sense of urgency. Unlike the traditional New Year’s resolution approach, which often spans a full year and lacks immediacy, the 90-day plan creates a pressing timeline that encourages immediate action. Although failures along the way are common, Magan reassures listeners that they should be embraced as learning experiences. Setting ambitious, even seemingly impossible, goals like her $5,000 revenue target, pushes her to work harder and make incremental progress.

Magan’s dedication is evident when she discusses the mastermind’s influence on her goal-setting approach. Regular monthly debriefs and accountability measures ensure she’s constantly evaluating her path, celebrating small wins, and adjusting her strategies as needed. Her transparency about setting high targets and accepting the likelihood of missing them inspires others to set their own audacious goals without the fear of failure.

Support and Accountability: The Role of Business Retreats

One of the standout features of the Becoming Boss Mastermind is the business retreat sessions. Twice a week, members like Magan gather on Zoom to tackle specific business topics, guided by provided workbooks. These sessions offer a focused, intentional time block within which entrepreneurs can work on their businesses. Magan highlights how these retreats have become pivotal in driving productivity and providing clarity.

Faith Mariah introduced these business retreats in response to members’ calls for more accountability. The retreats counter the all-too-common entrepreneur struggle of setting plans but failing to follow through due to distractions or lack of focus. The communal work environment fosters a sense of responsibility and provides the necessary structure to execute plans effectively.

Bridging the Gap Between Planning and Execution

Faith Mariah’s strategies extend beyond just planning; they bridge the gap between setting goals and actual execution. The mastermind’s structured support system helps members like Magan maintain steady progress toward their objectives. Whether through detailed business retreats or mindset tools like self-coaching models, Faith ensures that entrepreneurs are not only dreaming big but also systematically working towards realizing those dreams.

The discussion between Faith Mariah and Magan Outlaw showcases the transformative power of intentional planning and community support. By leveraging the 90-day planning process, embracing ambitious goals, and actively participating in structured business retreats, entrepreneurs can navigate their journey with greater focus and resilience. As Magan’s story illustrates, success in business is not about the absence of failures but rather about the continuous effort to learn, adapt, and keep moving forward. For aspiring entrepreneurs looking to break through their current limitations, the wisdom shared in this podcast episode serves as an invaluable guide.


Connect with Magan:


Instagram: @the_real_raw_outlaw 

Tiktok: @therealrawoutlaw

Facebook: @therealrawoutlaw

YouTube: @budgetingwithmagan 


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