Overcoming the Feel-Good Trap: Producing Value Even When You Don’t Feel Your Best

Oct 10, 2024

On this episode of Blogging Breakthroughs with Faith Mariah I discussed:

  • Strategies for managing mental health challenges, particularly while balancing work commitments.

  • Insights into handling self-doubt and identity-related beliefs, especially regarding tech skills.

  • The importance of questioning one's thoughts and not falling into the "feel good trap" to be productive.

  • Encouragement to value personal interests and experiences as valuable content to share with others.

  • An understanding of the human experience, highlighting that it's okay to produce work and help others even when not feeling at one's best.

I want to share a deeply personal story with you that I believe holds valuable lessons for every entrepreneur and creator out there. This is a story about overcoming internal struggles, dealing with the pressure of expectations, and finding the value within yourself even when you feel like a "pile of poop."

The Roller Coaster of Emotions

Recently, I found myself dealing with significant mental health challenges while traveling. For those who’ve listened to my recent podcasts, you’ll know that my medications stopped working, and the constant change of location wasn't helping. I felt the most depressed I had in years—complete with physical pain and a sense of helplessness. It was in the midst of this that I was invited to speak at the Go-to Summit, which focused on using Google Tools. It was both an exciting opportunity and a daunting challenge given my state.

Fighting Against Self-Doubt

As an entrepreneur, it’s not unusual to feel out of your depth sometimes, especially when stepping outside your usual topics. I’m accustomed to discussing business strategies and mindset, but this was a tech summit. Despite years of running a successful online business, I held on to this deeply ingrained story of not being "tech-savvy." This outdated narrative crept back in, amplifying my self-doubt at precisely the wrong time.

Taking Action When It Hurts

Despite the depression and fear, I reminded myself of my commitments and recorded the presentation. I was plagued with thoughts that my contribution wouldn’t be worthwhile, that no one would benefit from seeing how I organize my calendar—tools that seemed so basic to me. It was uncomfortable, but I submitted it, nervous about the outcome.

Challenging the Feel-Good Trap

As creators, we all fall into the feel-good trap: believing that we must feel positive, confident, or inspired to produce impactful work. For years, I’ve emphasized in my mastermind sessions the importance of questioning our identity stories. Are they true, and if not, are they helpful? I’ve realized that waiting to feel good often leads to delay and procrastination, driven by a sense that there will be a "better time."

Surprising Revelations

When the presentation went live, the feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive. It was so encouraging to hear that my experiences and methods were genuinely helpful to people. This affirmed the idea that our thoughts—particularly the negative ones—are not necessarily universal truths. Our brains naturally lean towards negativity for survival, but this doesn't have to guide our actions.

Embracing Vulnerability

The ability to share my work—despite discomfort, fear, or doubt—allowed me to provide value. This was a profound reminder that you don’t need to feel perfect to produce meaningful work or help your clients. By increasing your ability to handle discomfort and vulnerability, growth becomes achievable even through challenging times.

 Lessons Learned

  1. Reevaluate Your Identity Stories: Those self-imposed labels like "not a tech person" can become barriers. Don’t let them hinder your potential.
  2. Action Over Good Feelings: Waiting for confidence can delay success. Trust in your knowledge and skills, release the need for constant positivity, and take action now.
  3. Find Comfort in Discomfort: You can teach, grow, and succeed without feeling “good.” It’s the resilience you build that truly counts.

This journey has sparked new passion within me, opening possibilities I previously couldn’t see. I hope my story encourages you to challenge your own identity stories and step out of the feel-good trap to achieve greatness. Let’s continue to grow, and remember, the best time to act is always now!



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